Ideal Credit Union Brand Guidelines
After several years of developing campaign strategies, art directing, designing marketing collateral across multiple touch points for the new brand, I consulted on content, guideline applications and designed the Brand Book for print and online publication.
Campaign strategy, content development, art direction and design across a wide range of collateral targeting general and segmented markets.
Postal Credit Union changed their name to Ideal Credit Union in 2014. In order to meet future business goals they re-positioned their brand to more accurately represent the community they serve and increased marketing efforts in the 35 and under market while retaining their older established member base. I was brought in early on to create the Name Transition Campaign and have continued to team up with the marketing department on a variety of projects that include direct mail, branch merchandising, OOH, wraps, white papers/templates and display ads(print and digital). All of which helped establish the visual personality of the new brand - Ideal Credit Union.